The dawn of the robots is here. As we’ve evidenced from the launch of ChatGPT and its competitors, artificial intelligence will outpace human knowledge, leading to massive job displacement as millions of jobs become automated and many traditional careers become obsolete. But while AI and robots will steal our jobs, they’ll also give […]
Many parents supplement their child’s education with additional learning opportunities outside school. Supplemental learning take many forms, such as extra tutoring, online courses, or participating in enrichment activities. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, supplemental learning has some general benefits. First, it can help children struggling to keep up with their grade level. They can […]
Making a video game is no easy task. So many different pieces need to come together to create a successful game. In this blog post, we will outline the process of making a video game and give you a few tips on getting started. If you’re thinking about making a game, read on! Game […]
Many parents often wonder when their kids should begin to learn to code. “Can my kid start at 7?” “Is it too late if he’s already in high school?” “At what age can my kid actually start coding?” These are a few of the questions we often hear from parents all […]