46 online
152,478 Students
Level: Intermediate
Age: 9+
Duration: 4 Hours
Commitment: 4 lessons
Language: English
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  • Course Content

In this course you will:

✔ Create your own cow gun, lava launcher, and thunder hammer!

✔ Learn Java Programming

✔ Complete awesome Coding Challenges

Mod Creation: Epic Weapons 1.18
  • Chapter 1
    Chapter 0: Prep Your Weapons
    See More
    Installation and Setup
    Debugging and Sending Code
  • Chapter 2
    Chapter 1: Thunder Hammer
    See More
    All Hammer, No Thunder
    Mjolnir in the Making
    Shockingly Good Looking
  • Chapter 3
    Chapter 2: Lava Launcher
    See More
    All Launcher, No Lava
    The Ring of Fire!
  • Chapter 4
    Chapter 3: Cow Gun
    See More
    All Gun, No Cow
    Got Milk?
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