//$video - parent category video if needed

Level: Advanced
Age: 9+
30 Hours
9 lessons
- Overview
- Course Content
Course Content
- Overview
- Course Content
In this course you will:
✔ Create an awesome ‘Among Us’ style game!
✔ Learn Lua Programming
✔ Use Conditionals, Loops, Functions and Events
✔ Embark on 7 Epic Quests
✔ Design your own custom map
✔ Create your own awesome minigames
✔ Design a custom GUI
Roblox Game Development: Imposternauts
Chapter 1Chapter 0: Welcome and Setup+See MoreRoblox ReviewInstallation and SetupDebugging and Sending Code
Chapter 2Chapter 1: Making Tasks+See MoreChapter 1 IntroRefuel Task (1)Refuel Task (2)Refuel Task (3)Refuel Task (4)Shields Task (1)Shields Task (2)Shields Task (3)Shields Task (4)Shields Task (5)Keypad Task (1)Keypad Task (2)Keypad Task (3)Keypad Task (4)
Chapter 3Chapter 1.5: Advanced Tasks+See MoreDistributor Task (1)Distributor Task (2)Distributor Task (3)Distributor Task (4)Distributor Task (5)Reactor Task (1)Reactor Task (2)Reactor Task (3)Reactor Task (4)Reactor Task (5)Updating the Refuel TaskChapter 1.5 Intro
Chapter 4Chapter 2: The Ship+See MoreDesigning your ShipBuilding the ShipMap DetailsLobbyChapter 2 Intro
Chapter 5Chapter 3: The Game Server+See MorePlayers Joining the GameStart MatchPlayer HudChapter 3 Intro
Chapter 6Chapter 4: Crew Members+See MoreAssigning TasksSend Tasks to PlayerShow Tasks to PlayerCompleting TasksChapter 4 Intro
Chapter 7Chapter 5: Imposters+See MoreChapter 5 IntroImposter AbilitiesMarking ImpostersBonkingBonking Part 2Ghost VisibilityGhost CollisionBonk CooldownVentsVents Part 2Vents Part 3Vents Part 4
Chapter 8Chapter 6: Vote!+See MoreChapter 6 IntroThe Voting ButtonThe Voting GUIStarting the VoteCast Your VoteVoting ResultNext RoundPlayer Bodies
Chapter 9Chapter 7: Game Over+See MoreWho won?Game OverClean UpGame TimerGame Timer Part 2Better Game LobbyBetter Game Lobby Part 2Publishing
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