In this follow up to our Python Core Curriculum, we will dive into using Python for the creation of AI and Machine Learning!
Upon completion of Adv Python, students will be ready for other CodaKid Core Curriculum tracks or Electives.

Here we provide the basics of building your own website from the ground up. This project can be combined with the later Javascript Elective to post custom web games on a custom website.
Upon completion of Web Development, students will be ready for other CodaKid Core Curriculum tracks or Electives.

3D Game Dev Development delves into game making with the professional tool used by the pros to make best-selling games for major platforms.
Upon completion of 3D Game Development, students will be ready for other CodaKid Core Curriculum tracks or Electives.

In this stand alone elective course, we provide the basics of building your own Javascript Apps from the ground up. These web games include a tower defense game, an infinite runner, and a 2D platformer!
Upon completion of Javascript App Development, students will be ready for other CodaKid Core Curriculum tracks or Electives.

CodaKid offers the Independent Study Program to take coding to the next level. The program connects students with one of our most senior engineers in a mentorship capacity to ideate, research, plan, and create custom games.
This program is reserved for older, more experienced students that have been through at least 3 years of game development with CodaKid or another coding academy.

The second iteration of the program involves connecting students in a similar mentorship capacity to assist in working through the process of creating custom 3D games with Unity.
This program is reserved for older, more experienced students that have been through at least 3 years of game development with CodaKid or another coding academy.